Brio room air purifier - filters pet dander
Brio delivers advanced air purification technology in a compact, contemporary design..

How does poor indoor air quality affect yor health? What are the most concerning ppollutants indoors? Which is the right air purifier? How do air purifiers differ? What do you need to know about clean air delivery rates, air changes per hour, and more? Read to find out about what matters most for your indoor air quality concerns.

What's New in Indoor Air Quality

Learn the ABCs of IAQ and How to Select an Air Purifier
Learn the ABCs of IAQ and How to Select an Air Purifier

AQI. IAQ. PM. CADR. CFM. ACH. CCM. Yikes.  Buying an air purifier shouldn’t be complicated, but at times it feels like wading through a sea of abbreviations and acronyms. Let's tackle...

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Wildfire smoke and how to protect your home air quality
Wildfire Smoke: How to Protect Your Air Quality

Take these Top 10 steps before and during a wildfire smoke event  The smoke has moved away and your air quality has returned to normal...for now.  So now is exactly the right time...

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Brio removes dust and dust mites, to keep your air healthy.
How to remove dust and dust mite allergies in my home?

Whether you live in a condo in sunny Orlando, FL, or a house in cloudy Portland, OR, eliminating household dust is essential for health and wellness. Dust mites can trigger indoor allergies,...

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Say hello to Brio, the innovative air purifier - Brio, the innovative air purifier
Say hello to Brio, the innovative air purifier

We are delighted to introduce you to Brio, the innovative air purifier. A new and remarkable alternative to HEPA-style air purification. Brio removes fine and ultrafine particle pollution, delivering a...

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Is poor indoor air quality making your home a health hazard? - Brio, the innovative air purifier
Is poor indoor air quality making your home a health hazard?

We've known for many years that inhalable particle pollution inside homes can create damaging short and long-term health consequences, including respiratory ailment, heart disease, cancer, and even dementia. Particles smaller...

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Brio removes ultrafine virus particles quickly
Brio Air Purifier removes viruses. Quickly.

If you are looking for an air purifier for your home, you are probably also looking for an air purifier for COVID-19 and other virus risks. The dangers of aerosolized,...

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